Quali sono le precauzioni per l'uso dei trasmettitori di temperatura?


What are the precautions for the use of temperature transmitters?

Precautions for the use of temperature transmitters mainly include the following points:

1.Confirm the use of the environment: ensure that the temperature transmitter is installed in the temperature, humidity and no corrosive gases in the environment. Avoid installing in the vicinity of the equipment with severe vibration or high-frequency noise, so as not to affect the measurement accuracy.

2.Correct wiring: follow the wiring diagram and terminals provided in the product manual to ensure that the polarity of the connected power supply and output signal lines are correct.

3.Regular calibration: In order to ensure the measurement accuracy of the temperature transmitter, it is recommended to carry out regular calibration. The calibration period can be determined according to the actual use of the situation, generally no more than half a year or a year.

4.Pay attention to safety: When using the temperature transmitter, you should observe the safety norms, make sure the equipment is grounded, and avoid using it in dangerous environments.

5.Keep clean: Check the appearance of the temperature transmitter regularly and keep it clean. If you find dirt or dust on the surface, it should be cleaned up in time so as not to affect the measurement results.

6.Replace the sensor regularly: according to the use of the situation, regularly replace the sensor of the temperature transmitter. The service life of the sensor is limited, and it should be replaced in time when it expires so as not to affect the measurement accuracy and service life.

7.Correct installation and maintenance: Install and maintain the temperature transmitter correctly according to the requirements of the product manual, follow the correct installation steps and precautions to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

We Microcyber sensor as a professional R & D, production of temperature transmitters, to provide you with high quality products and professional technical support. If you encounter any problems in the process of use, please feel free to contact us.

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